Army Public School, Abohar is situated on the Fazilka Road just 03 k.m away from Abohar. The Army School Abohar was established in Babina as a Nursery School and then shifted to Abohar in July 1997. Class X was started with effect from the academic session 2007-08. The school is affiliated to CBSE. The school is 14 years old-standing like a tall & mighty tree giving shelter to 421 students & 24 staff members. The yardstick of a school’s reputation lies not only in its quality education but also on the facilities it provides to students for the holistic development of their personality. Besides having congenial educational facilities, the school has multifarious activities like dance, music, debates, art etc.
During session 2014 - 15,The School building has been given a complete facelift by repairing & renovating the class-rooms. As our priority has been to strive for excellence in every field, we have made sure to provide better facilities like Language Lab, Social Science Lab, Maths Lab etc.
The luminosity is kindled by the growing infrastructure par excellence which has matched its march to meteoric heights.
The child should be ward of Army Personnel and minimum of 5 years for admission in First Class.